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Jennings School Calendar
Assessment Calendar
Assessment Calendar
NWEA MAP Testing:
MAP Growth is a computer-adaptive test. That means every student gets a unique set of test questions based on responses to previous questions. As the student answers correctly, questions get harder. If the student answers incorrectly, the questions get easier. By the end of the test, most students will have answered about half the questions correctly, as is common on adaptive tests. The purpose of MAP Growth is to help educators understand where a student is on their academic journey, if they are growing over time, and where a student’s strength and opportunity areas are. Results will be used to determine the students present levels and inform their path of study.
The MAP Growth test will be administered for Language Arts and Math. This test is required by Jennings Community School.
The MAP Test will be administered twice annually to all grade levels 7-12:
-October 7-10th, 2024
-April 14-17th, 2025
Students will have 2-4 hours to complete the MAP test.
English Language Proficiency Assessments
The ACCESS for ELLs and Alternate ACCESS for ELLs are the assessments developed by the WIDA consortium and administered to English learners in order to measure progress toward meeting Minnesota’s standards for English language development, developed by the WIDA consortium. Most English learners will take the ACCESS for ELLs, but English learners who received special education services and meet the participation guidelines may take the Alternate ACCESS for ELLs. Results will be used to determine the students present levels and inform their path of study.
The ACCESS for ELLs Test will be administered February 10-13th, 2025.
Standards-Based Accountability Assessments
The Minnesota Comprehensive Assessments (MCA) and alternate assessment Minnesota Test of Academic Skills (MTAS) are the state tests that help districts measure student progress toward Minnesota’s academic standards and also meet the requirements of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA). Students take one test in each subject. Most students take the MCA, but students who receive special education services and meet eligibility requirements may take the alternate assessment MTAS instead. Results will be used to determine the students present levels and inform their path of study.
MCA Tests will be administered March 10-13th, 2025.